Alumni Board Meeting Minutes For June

Akron East High Alumni Association, Inc.

Minutes: June 6, 2024

Attending:  Michelle Anderson, Larry Bond, Marsha Bond, Chuck Hayes, David Hoff, Sharon Kerechanin, Ken Larson, Mike Oliver

Absent:  Marcia Gantz, Rochelle Henderson, Mike Nickolich, Walter Noland, Janet Stanley, John Stanley, Sally Thompson, Don Young

President M. Oliver called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM.

Secretary’s Report (M. Bond substituting for S. Thompson)

C. Hayes moved and M. Anderson seconded, accepting the May minutes as presented.

Treasurer’s Report (L. Bond)

Financial Report – All PNC accounts reconciled on Quicken and Excel 2024 Budget Sheet updated for all expenses and incomes by category.

  • Checking Account Beginning Balance: $7,359.22 Final Balance: $4,354.94

                        Major Income: $8,148 to Scholarship Fund. 60+ Reunion Reservations:                                                $6,790.00. Membership Dues: $480.00.

                        Major Expenses: $725.70 RR Gift Basket Costs. Football Fund Expenses:                                            $5,298.25 (Various sports activities reimbursed).

  • Money Market Account. Beginning Balance: $64,552.25 Final Balance: $76,799.88

                  Major Expenses: None

                      Transfer: Moved $12,000 from checking to MM account to accrue interest.                                           Major Income: $246.78 interest

Communications (M. Oliver)

  • M. Oliver stated the May Board Meeting Minutes were posted on our website.
  • M. Oliver has updated our current events on website. He hopes to have video of recent Hall of Fame induction posted soon.
  • M. Oliver posted Deb McCurry, East alumnus and owner of  “Sunshine Cupcakes”  as the “Spirit Wins” recipient for May.
  • Kudos to custodian Ben Ellis for helping board member C. Hayes last meeting in May with wheelchair assistance.

Reverse Raffle (John Stanley/Sharon Kerechanin)

  • Date for 2025 Reverse Raffle is set for Thursday, March 6.
  • S. Kerechanin asked for motion to approve Guy’s Party Center for the event venue.  M. Oliver moved and D. Hoff seconded, board accepting the motion unanimously.  S. Kerechanin will let Christine know at Guy’s to confirm on their calendar.
  • Cost was agreed at $42 per person, including gratuity.                                                         

Scholarship (M. Bond)

  • M. Bond and M. Anderson attended East CLC Awards Ceremony on 5/22 and shared program from the senior honor’s assembly with the board.
  • 15 student scholarships equaling $39,000 were awarded from the Alumni Association.  To date, 4 of those recipients have followed up and award checks will be issued from treasurer L. Bond.
  • M. Bond shared that Award Summaries were given to the principal, counselor and Project Grad building representatives for transparency and follow up.

60+ Reunion (J. Stanley/M. Bond) 6/13/24 at Guy’s Party Center (10th Anniversary)

  • M. Bond reported current count for event is 230 registrations.
  • M. Bond shared that the committee has set up available day before on 6/12 from 1-3 PM. as well as adjoining small ballroom for class photos.
  • M. Bond passed attendance clipboard and job responsibilities needed to board members for signup.
  • M. Bond will report final count of meals and submit table map to Guy’s on 6/7.
  • A memorabilia table will be set up on mini stage to sell all items for $5 each. This is to deplete much that is housed currently in storage.  Items such as yearbooks, framed photos, some trophies and packaged stationery etc. will be available for purchase by alumni.
  • M. Bond reported that a follow up committee meeting to evaluate this year’s event is scheduled for 7/17, 1-3 PM at Talmadge Library.

Hall of Fame (D. Hoff)

  • D. Hoff reported that K. Larson and C. Hayes met with him in regards to next year’s HOF event. 
  • D. Hoff expressed that need for a chair person is important.  Getting younger members as well as someone with specific IT skills is needed moving forward; some possible names and suggestions were discussed.
  • D. Hoff is still waiting to receive this year’s HOF pictures from Carmen Studios.
  • D. Hoff reported that 4 applicants for 2025 have been submitted to date. 

Membership (M. Anderson)

  • M. Anderson reported on summary of memberships between 2022-2023 and categories.
  • M. Anderson and L. Bond plan to meet in near future to further document previous memberships.
  • M. Oliver has posted on website alumni association membership categories and costs.  It was suggested that he announce membership possibilities at the upcoming 60+ Reunion Luncheon.  It was acknowledged that current alumni association membership cards are now outdated with the recent addition of new lifetime membership category.

Memorabilia (M. Oliver, L. Bond)

  • L. Bond reported that ’83 and ’84 yearbooks are now live on website.
  • L. Bond shared noticeable decrease in size of yearbooks beginning from ’83 and ’84.
  • M. Oliver will post 2024 Hall of Fame inductees on website.

Other Business

  • M. Bond reminded board of Alumni Golf Outing scheduled for Saturday, 8/24 at Mayfair Country Club and need to begin planning for event. 
  • Plan to reach out to alumnus, Fred Silvey and meet together before next board meeting in July.
  • M. Oliver shared that secretary, S. Gill Thompson, has resigned her position effective immediately due to continued health reasons.  Sally has shown tremendous dedication to the Alumni Board and will be greatly missed. 
  • M. Oliver expressed need, as well as possible strategies for filling positions of vice-president, secretary and general members on the board.

With no further business, a motion was made by C. Hayes and seconded by M. Anderson to adjourn at 7:43 PM.