- Akron East High Alumni Association, inc.Minutes: August 1, 2024ATTENDING: Michelle Anderson, Larry Bond, Marsha Bond, Chuck Hayes, David Hoff, SharonKerachanin, Ken Larsen, Marcia Martz, Mike Oliver. Guest: Shelley SibbioABSENT: Rochelle Henderson, Mike Nickolich, Walter Noland, Janet StanleyPresident Mike Oliver called the meeting to order at 6:11 p.m.SECRETARY’S REPORT (M. Anderson substituting for M. Bond):● Chuck Hayes moved and Larry Bond accepted the July 2024 Minutes as presented.TREASURER’S REPORT: (Larry Bond)● There was no Treasurer’s Report due to the fact that it was the 1st of the Month at thetime of the meeting and it was not completed yet. Larry did state that everything is goodwith the financials. He will email the report to the board members when it is completed.● Scholarship checks to universities – Larry stated that University of Akron had not yetcashed two (2) of the checks in July for students who received scholarships at theuniversity; Findlay College has also not cashed a check for a student who is attendingthere as well. The checks, however, were processed in August. Scholarship report willbe ready for next month’s meeting.● Hall of Fame Video – L. Bond emailed Vicky Derr about the Hall of Fame video and it isin the works and should be finished within the next week.COMMUNICATIONS: (M.Oliver)● M. Oliver updated the website and Facebook on the events page with the following:Golf Outing on Saturday, 24, 20242025 Reverse Raffle on Thursday, March 6, 202560+Reunion pictures2024-2025 Membership Drive● M. Oliver thanked M. Anderson for helping with minutes. M. Bond and M. Anderson willbe sharing the responsibility of taking minutes at the meetings until a new secretary canbe appointed.REVERSE RAFFLE: (S. Kerachanin)● Announced the Reverse Raffle is Thursday, March 6, 2025 at Guys Party Center and tosave the date for this fundraiser.SCHOLARSHIPS: (M. Bond)● Ten (10) recipients out of seventeen (17) have followed through with the scholarshipprocess. One student who was attending Findlay has changed his mind and is nowattending Hocking College. He needs to follow-through with the process of changing to
another college. We will not forward any scholarship check until he follows-up withFindlay College and the scholarship check is returned to the Alumni Association.60 + REUNION (M. Bond)● A follow-up meeting was held on July 17,2024 and twelve (12) people attended.Feedbook was good. Two (2) suggestions were made at the meeting:● A card with the choices of meal (example: a fish, a chicken and a beef (cow) will beinserted with the individual name tag. The cards of the choice of dinner will be able to beplaced on the table for the servers to easily see. The strip of paper that we had used forthe choice of dinner did not work as well and was at times confusing for the attendee.● Another suggestion was that the alumnus will be already registered for the drawing sowe will not have to provide a raffle ticket. The name of the winner of the raffles will bedrawn at the event.● K.Larson complemented M.Oliver for his excellent job as the emcee of the 60+Reunion● M.Oliver did not post any of the candid pictures on the website/facebook because he didnot have the names with the pictures.● The 60+Reunion for 2025 is scheduled to be on Thursday, June 12, 2025 at Guy’sParty Center.HALL OF FAME: (D.Hoff)● D. Hoff presented the HOF 2023 and 2024 inductees pictures to be framed. Individualpictures will be mailed to the inductees.● D. Hoff stated that they have two (2) new nominations for next year 2025.● K.Larson and C. Hayes will meet with D.Hoff about the HOF process. M. Sibbio hasoffered to help as well. He read the criteria and explained the voting process. The Boardthen decides on the number of inductees and the actual people who will be in the HOF.● K. Larson will take the lead on contacting the nominees by email/phone number.MEMBERSHIP: (M. Anderson)● M. Anderson and L. Bond met on the new membership database that L.Bond hascreated. It is a profile of the member and a section is included for the member toindicate if he/she would be interested in volunteering at alumni events.● We have an older database that was created in 2018 with 243 names on the list.M.Anderson had distributed the list in May to see if the board knew any of these peopleand any updated information on them. M. Anderson is going to begin to contact thosepast members via email to ask them if they would renew their memberships.● M. Sibbio suggested that we need to research schools on how we can recruit newmembers and compile the data. We have researched local high schools that have alumniorganizations and it was reported in May to the board.● M. Oliver has stated that to also include on Facebook about the textbooks which may bean interest to alumni and encourage them to become a member.● M. Sibbio and K. Larrson are attending the 1976 Reunion on August 3, and will talk totheir alumni class about membership
MEMORABILIA POSTING TO WEBSITE: L. Bond and M.Oliver● L. Bond has a 1990 yearbook and D. Young has a 1988 yearbook available to scan forthe website.● The last 25 yearbooks are yet to be scanned for the website.GOLF OUTING: L. Bond● Fred Silvey has organized the 2024 John Stanley Memorial Golf Outing and it is sold out.We have 20 teams with 80 golfers for Saturday, August 24th at Mayfair Golf Course.Event sponsors have been secured for $3300. We have exceeded the donations from2023. S. Kerachanin has volunteers lined up for the golf outing.OTHER BUSINESS:● M. Bond announced that all board members are invited to the John Stanley Celebrationof Life Friday, August 2, 2024 at The Venue in Tallmadge at 6:00 p.m.● M. Bond received an email from W.Noland, the Principal at East, requesting a letter ofsupport from the alumni board for a new track. East is requesting a grant from the DickFoundation and they need a letter of support from us. We do not have to donate anymoney to this track. The board voted and D. Hoff moved in favor, and L. Bond secondedthe motion. The vote passed unanimously for the board to write a letter of support.● M. Anderson will write the letter with M. Bond, and have M.Oliver sign it and M. Bondwill forward to W. Noland.● D. Hoff stated we should have a school representative at our meetings.● M. Bond said she will attend a meeting in September at East to tell them about what theAlumni Association does for the school.● M. Oliver will send W. Noland an email to request a representative to come to ourmeeting.● The East High School storage key was given to M.Oliver from Janet Stanley.● L. Bond requested a list of trustees for the induction to the board for September2024. M. Sibbio is to be sworn in as a trustee in September.● We presently do not have a vice-president or a secretary and are still seeking persons tofill those positions.● J. Stanley has suggested that we start posting pictures of our board meetings to beposted on the website.● The Spirit Wins nominee for this month is Ken Bechtol, who took pictures at the 60+Reunion in June 2024. S.Kerachinin voted in favor and D. Hoff seconded the motion.With no further business, a motion was made by S. Kerachanin and seconded by C. Hayes toadjourn the meeting at 7:43 p.m.Respectfully submitted,Michelle Anderson