July Board Meeting Minutes

Akron East High Alumni Association, Inc.

Minutes: July 11, 2024

Attending:  Michelle Anderson, Larry Bond, Marsha Bond, Marcia Gantz, Chuck Hayes, Sharon Kerechanin, Ken Larson, Mike Oliver, Michelle Sibbio

Absent: Rochelle Henderson, Mike Nickolich, Walter Noland, Janet Stanley, Don Young

President M. Oliver called the meeting to order at 6:10 PM.

  • M. Oliver welcomed and introduced Michelle Sibbio (“Shelly”) from the class of ’76.

Secretary’s Report (M. Bond)

C. Hayes moved and M. Anderson seconded, accepting the June minutes as presented.

Treasurer’s Report (L. Bond) 

Financial Report – All PNC accounts reconciled on Quicken and Excel 2024 Budget Sheet updated for all expenses and incomes by category.

  • Checking Account Beginning Balance: $7,359.22 Final Balance: $4,354.94

                        Major Income: Deposits from 60+ reservations; Scholarship donations $4,128;                       Income from sale of memorabilia $143

                        Major Expenses: $5,500 for 2 scholarships; Football expenses: $1,218; girl’s                      softball and volleyball expenses: $1,260;

  • Money Market Account. Beginning Balance: $76,799.03 Final Balance: $52,000.07

                  Major Income: Interest $201

                         Major Expenses: Transfer: $25,000 to checking account             

Communications (M. Oliver)

  • M. Oliver stated the June Board Meeting Minutes were posted on our website.
  • M. Oliver has updated our current events on website. He hopes to have video of ’24 Hall of Fame induction posted soon from Vicky Derr.
  • M. Oliver posted Sally Thompson, ’70 East alumnus and former Board Secretary, as the “Spirit Wins” recipient for June.

M. Oliver to post upcoming alumni golf event as The John Stanley Memorial Golf Outing on our website and Facebook.

Reverse Raffle (Sharon Kerechanin)

  • Date for 2025 Reverse Raffle is set for Thursday, March 6  at Guy’s Party Center.                                                               

Scholarship (M. Bond)

  • 15 student scholarships equaling $39,000 were awarded from the Alumni Association in May.  To date, 10 of those recipients have followed through on stated expectations for their awards and checks were issued from treasurer L. Bond.
  • M. Bond shared note of gratitude from one of those recipients, Rupesh Kami, with the Board.
  • M. Bond will be meeting with donor Charles Conti from NV of the Shipp Sisters Scholarship Fund when here in August.
  • M. Bond reported on inquiry from a former ’22 student on receiving unclaimed scholarship money after passage of two years.  Request was denied and thoughtful reasoning provided.

60+ Reunion (M. Bond) 6/13/24 at Guy’s Party Center (10th Anniversary)

  • M. Bond reported that a follow up committee meeting to evaluate this year’s event is scheduled for 7/17, 1-3 PM at Talmadge Library.
  • M. Bond reported mostly very positive feedback from attendees. 
  • M. Bond stated that all group photos were printed/mailed to the 60th, 65th, 70th and 75th year classes.  Special thanks to L. Bond for the printing and labeling of photos, provided by the photographer on a flash drive for us to do.
  • M. Bond reported that over 30 thank you notes were sent to alumni as a result of their contributions to the scholarship fund, $4,128 was collected.  Also, money from sale of memorabilia amounted to $144.
  • M. Bond reported that flowers for event this year were gifted by Reilly’s Originals Florist.
  • M. Bond reported that the scheduled date for the 2025 60+ Reunion at Guy’s Party Center to be Thursday, June 12.

Hall of Fame (C. Hayes/K. Larson/D. Hoff)

  • Photos of recent 2024 HOF inductees were delivered to East CLC and picked up for D. Hoff to send out.
  • C. Hayes and K. Larson will work together, along with guidance from D. Hoff for next year’s 2025 HOF event.
  • C. Hayes reported that 7 applications have been received to date for consideration.
  • C. Hayes reported need for a knowledgeable tech person to help.  Shelly Sibbio     expressed an interest in that regard and a desire to attend their next meeting with D. Hoff.

Membership (M. Anderson)

  • M. Anderson handed out a well written letter draft for past association members, which stated the importance of membership and summarized programs/activities the Alumni Association supports.  Board members were requested to contact her with edits or further suggestions.
  • M. Oliver recommended a succinct version to post on Facebook, but include greater detail on our website.
  • M. Anderson has also put membership info on “Classmates.com”.
  • M. Anderson suggested changing further references to “2024-’25 Membership Drive” on all communication and it was agreed.
  • M. Oliver has posted on our website, alumni association membership categories and costs.

Memorabilia (M. Oliver, L. Bond)

  • L. Bond reported that ’85 yearbook is now live on website but ’86 is missing. 
  • L. Bond shared the intent to deliver excess yearbooks to the Ohio Genealogical Society in Bellville.
  • L. Bond noted that Apple personnel are willing to help non-profits with tech support if needed without cost.

Golf Outing (L. Bond/Fred Silvey)

  • To honor J. Stanley, the name of event has been changed to  The John Stanley Memorial Golf Outing on Saturday, 8/24 at Mayfair Country Club.
  • L. Bond shared updated flyers for event publicity.
  • L. Bond reported that he, K. Larsen, M. Oliver and Fred Silvey met to begin plans for event.
  • S. Kerechanin has agreed to organize golf cart volunteers for beverage service.
  • L. Bond shared that hole sponsors are needed as well as prizes and gift certificates.
  • L. Bond reported that to date about 25% of golf foursomes have registered.

Other  Business

  • M. Bond shared that she would continue secretary responsibilities until January, 2025, which will have been a year.  In the interim, M. Anderson has offered to alternate with M. Bond on recording monthly minutes.  In addition to secretary, board vice-president also remains to be filled.
  • L. Bond announced the Celebration of Life service for J. Stanley is Friday, August 2, 6:00 PM at The Venue in Tallmadge.
  • M. Bond reported that East CLC secretary V. Derr noted the need to apply for a yearly 2024-25 building permit from APS.  Monthly dates were decided as:  8/1/24, 9/5/24, 10/3/24, 11/7/24, 12/5/24, *1/9/25, 2/6/25, *3/13/25, 4/3/25, 5/1/25, 6/5/25 and *7/10/25.

With no further business, a motion was made by M. Anderson and seconded by K. Larson to adjourn at 8:00 PM.